The Numbers Game

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As a woman, I cringe whenever numbers are discussed.  I think this must be a universal concept for all women everywhere.  Most questions that are asking for a number are generally difficult for women to answer.

  • How old are you?

  • What size do you wear?

  • How much do you weigh?

No matter what you answer is to any of these questions, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.  The reason for the disappointment is not the reaction of whoever asked you.  More often than not, it is how your answer makes you feel.

Is there any woman alive who feels that any of her “numbers” are good, or even just right?  I know women my age who feel “old”, even though they have years before they hit the dreaded mid-life crisis.  I know beautiful women with the body that I yearn for who are unhappy with their size.  Most of all, just about everyone I know tells me they “could stand to lose 10 pounds”.

The numbers game depends upon perennial dissatisfaction.

What if I told you that not all numbers are bad?  I named my blog and professional speaking business, Weightless, because I feel that the number on the scale should not determine your satisfaction with life.  When you become “weightless”, you are given the freedom to fly in whatever direction you choose.  There are still numbers in your life, but they will not make you feel bad.

Let’s play a new numbers game.  The highest number wins!

♥  How many steps toward better health will you take today?

♥  How many flights of stairs will you climb this week to reach your goal?

♥  How many times will you congratulate yourself for reaching your milestones this month?


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