Going from fat to F.A.T.

Ladies and gents, I am fat.

 Don’t get me wrong- I don’t mean fat as in large and in charge.  And I certainly don’t mean phat as in Pretty, Hot and Tempting.  I mean fat as in capital F.A.T.  Fit & Toned!

 I know what some of you may be thinking.  If she’s so fit and toned, why isn’t she a personal trainer, or a fitness model?  You are absolutely right!  I don’t look amazing in a bikini.  So why should you listen to me about being Fit and Toned?

 One of the best things I love about being an American is we love success stories.  We cherish and crave stories of ordinary people who overcame all odds to achieve success.  I went from being morbidly obese to the average-sized American woman.  My former self would have died to have a body like I do today.

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Today is all about being F.A.T.  My idea of Fitness has changed over the years.  I was always active.  In elementary school, I ran track, in junior high, I played on the volleyball team, and my family often took day-long biking or hiking trips.  Fitness was being able to physically do what everyone around me could do.  As you can imagine, I didn’t hang out with fitness models.

 Now my idea of Fitness is being able to do whatever I want to do.  As the weight melted off, I realized that I could do so much more.  I’m a huge fitness class buff.  I’ve taken everything from boot camp to Tabata to hooping.  My absolute favorite is dance!  Turn on some music and I’ll be dancing.

 Toning is the next element of being F.A.T.  I never used to pay attention to building muscle.  It wasn’t until I started using a pair of free weights I had lying around my house that I found my true strength.  I love to feel my muscles work when I lift, and the soreness afterwards.  I know I got a good workout when I’m sore.  Strength comes in many forms.  When you can look in a mirror and see your muscles moving, it’s easier to find other forms of strength.  I may have always been a strong, confident woman, but now everyone can see that!

 So, there you have my story of being F.A.T.  Jean Claude Van Damme once claimed that he could crack a walnut with his butt.  Sorry, folks, I’m no magician.  I may not be a fitness model, but I went from being fat to F.A.T.  Fit and Toned!

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